Skin Pen Microneedling

Skin Pen Microneedling
Skin Pen Microneedling
SkinPen Precision is the world's leading skin remodeling (microneedling) medical device that creates temporary small, microscopic channels in your skin. This simple procedure activates your body’s natural skin-healing power to increase collagen and elastin, so your skin returns to a healthier-looking and youthful appearance. Skin Pen Precision is also intended to help improve the cosmetic appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring and pigmentation. A peel is always included in this procedure to exfoliate the top layers of dead skin cells, providing a deeper penetration of the Skin Pen treatment.
£350 -
Plus Peel
This treatment includes a 10 minute session on the Dermalux Triwave MD machine, to speed up healing time.
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